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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Is There A Place Called No Tier Authorship?


Because if there is, I am apparently a citizen there

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How is it that +Ronnie Bincer 's authorship information is being shown for a post ofmine that he was kind enough to reshare?

Back in October of 2013 I created a Google Presentation titled "Hosting Hangouts That Do Not Suck".  I embedded the presentation in a Google Plus post (  The title of the post is "How To Do Hangouts That Adreana Doesn't Think SUCK ".

These images show the incognito search results in which the search query is the exact title of the presentation and the exact title of the Google Plus post.

In a search for the exact title of the post, Ronnie Bincer's reshare of the post comes up (without his profile image, which is interesting), but my original post is nowhere to be found.

In a search of the exact title of the presentation, a Youtube playlist that I created and embedded in the presentation comes up, but the presentation itself does not come up, neither does the my post in which the presentation was embedded.

On the "About" section of my profile I put the URL of the presentation in the "Contributor To" section.

In this screenshot Nathan is a profile that has me, Adreana Langston, circled in the "friends" circle.  So you would think that since I am in Nathan's circles the search query results would turn up my Google Plus presentation when Nathan is doing an exact match query.  Andrij Harasewych is NOT in Nathan's circles and neither is Chad Kafka.  Yet there they are as resharers of my post.  I THOUGHT Google's idea of "relevancy" included "people who are important to you" as defined by who you bothered to circle.  That does not seem to be the case here.

It is the same situation here.  The searcher is Nathan, who has me, Adreana Langston, in his "friends" circle.  Nathan is searching for an exact match of the name of the Google Plus Presentation that I created and the results are from reshares of a post that I created in which the presentation was embedded are outranking my Picasa album in which the images from the presentation are stored. The reshares being shown are from profiles which Nathan is not following

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Here again, Ronnie Bincer's reshare of my post is coming up but my actual post is not coming up at all.  But I am in Nathan's circles and Ronnie Bincer is not.  So much for Google Plus circles being an indicator of "relevancy". If people who have me in their "friends" circle are not even seeing posts that I created when they search for an exact match, I'm not really sure what the point of all this "interconnectivity" is.

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